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Morland C of E

Primary School

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5/6 - Mrs Cutler

Meet the teacher powerpoint

Year 5/6 Autumn Term 2024 Newsletter

Dear Families


Welcome back after the summer holidays. The children have settled in well and we are looking forward to the term ahead of us.


PE lessons will be taught on Wednesdays and Fridays. On these days, pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit and no jewellery. Pupils can also wear school PE kit (not other sport clothing) to school on days when they are attending a lunchtime/after school sports club. On all other days, pupils should wear school uniform. Please ensure that long hair is tied back at all times and jewellery is restricted to a pair of stud earrings and a watch.

Our uniform expectations remain the same. Please ensure you visit our school website which contains full information on what your child should wear each day.



  • Please encourage your child to read at least three times a week.
  • Spelling and grammar homework will be sent home on a Friday to go alongside the week’s learning. It is important that pupils are fluent using times tables as these underpin a lot of Year 6 maths.
  • Your child will be set weekly math’s homework building on what they have learnt over the week. Please encourage your child to also practise their times tables either with Tackling tables. (Logins remain the same from the previous year but we can reissue a reminder) verbal or writing them down.
  • Your child will have a sheet containing all of the year 5/6 spellings. This will be highlighted with the words that they can spell. Can they please practise the unmarked words for testing at a later date.

Please encourage your child to speak to their teacher as soon as possible if they need any support with the work that has been set.

Mobile phones

Your child is only allowed to bring their mobile phone to school if they walk home. They should turn their phones off when they enter the school premises and place their phone in the class bag first thing in the morning; this will be secured in the office for the day. Pupils will be able to retrieve their phone at the end of the day but should keep them switched off until they are off the school premises. Any child found not respecting this, will have their phone taken off them and a parent will have to collect the phone from the school office.

Useful dates:

  • Thursday 19th September Harvest celebration at All Hallows church
  • Monday 14th October - Individual pupil and sibling photographs
  • Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th October - Parent Consultations
  • Monday 21st October - Year 6 Residential
  • PD Day – Friday 25th October
  • Half term - week beginning 28th October 2024
  • Carol Service at All Hallows – Thursday 19th December 2024 (details to follow)
  • Christmas Dinner/Jumper Day – Thursday 19th December 2024 (details to follow)
  • Last day of term - Friday 20th December 2024

