School Logo

Morland C of E

Primary School

Contact Details

1 Mrs Exton

Welcome to Kingfisher Class. 


The class teacher is Mrs Exton, assisted by Mrs Simpson and Mrs Budd.

The class will also receive teaching from Mr Locke, Mr Exton, Mr Ablett and Miss Shipston for various lessons across the two weeks. 


As you know there have been some changes to the school structure this year. This means that some classes are mixed. It also mean that our time table runs on a two week program. This shouldn't effect you too much but it means that some lessons will be on different days on different weeks. 


PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. Come to school in PE kit on those days. 

Friday will be outside with Mr Ablett. 

Please ensure that PE kit follows the school uniform policy. 


If you have any questions or need any help then please catch me after school or drop me an email on 


We hope everyone has a lovely first year in big school!! 

Information from the Meet the Teacher session.
