Keeping our Children Safe (Safeguarding)
Mr Syrett is our designated safeguarding lead.
Safeguarding Notice
During holiday periods, the safety and well-being of our pupils remain our priority. While the school will be closed during the holidays, support and resources are still available for those who need them. If you have any concerns about the safety of a child or young person, please contact one of the following:
• Local Children's Services: Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership: Concerned — Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership ( or 0808 800 4005
• NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children): 0808 800 5000
• Childline: 0800 1111 (for children and young people)
• Police: In an emergency, dial 999
For additional resources, you can visit Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (
We encourage everyone to stay safe and look out for one another.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Early Help Offer
Children Missing in Education Statement
Mr D Syrett - Named person for Prevent
Prevent is all about safeguarding individuals who maybe vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism.
You may find the presentation below of interest to you.
Online Safety
Mr Exton and Mr Syrett our our leads for Online Safety
Children at Morland use the internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. Technology enhances learning and we want to ensure that pupils get the most from it by encouraging responsible online behaviour.
In school we use a robust filtering system to prevent children accessing inappropriate sites. We include online safety into our curriculum teaching children the importance of keeping themselves safe online.
At home children can sometimes be given unsupervised access to the internet. This potentially allows them to access inappropriate sites. Here are some tips to help you to keep your children safe online.
Children in Care
Mrs H Marsburg is the designated lead for children in care.