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Morland C of E

Primary School

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How will Morland support my child if they have Special Educational Needs?


➢ Most areas of SEND can be addressed within the classroom through high quality teaching that is appropriately differentiated.

➢ If your child needs more help with a particular area of their learning they might be placed in a small intervention group. Progress will be reviewed regularly to monitor the effectiveness of the intervention.

➢ SEN 'Assess, Plan, Review, Do' meetings, which are held termly, inform whether additional support is necessary,what form it will take and review outcomes.

➢ Occasionally, a pupil may need a specialist service or expert to carry out further assessment to enable us to support their learning. In this case, a referral will be made, with your consent, and you will be kept fully informed of outcomes. In a very few number of cases, an Education Health Care Plan (EHC Plan) maybe applied for and developed in consultation with the Local authority.

➢ If your child has an EHC Plan all staff will work together to support the achievement of outcomes detailed in the Plan.
