6 - Miss Houghton and Mrs Lipscombe
Meet the teacher
Year 6 Spring Term 2025 Newsletter
Dear Families,
Welcome back after the Christmas holidays, we hope you all had a relaxing break.
History: Our overarching theme for the term is ‘Exploration and conquest in the 15th and 16th Centuries’. We will be building on what we have learnt about the Aztecs and looking at European exploration and what was happening in Britain at this time.
Science: In science lessons we will be studying Living things and their habitats
Geography: In Geography we will be studying extreme weather.
This is a relatively short term with just over 11 teaching weeks until the Easter break. We will then have another 4 weeks after the Easter holidays before children sit the SAT’s. The time will fly so please support your child(ren) with their learning and contact us if there are any problems so we can deal with these promptly.
PE: Lessons will continue to be taught on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. Pupils can also wear PE kit to school on days when they are attending a lunchtime/after school sports club. On all other days, pupils should wear school uniform. Please ensure that long hair is tied back at all times and jewellery is restricted to a pair of stud earrings and a watch. Please see our website for a reminder of our uniform expectations:
We will continue to set homework on Friday’s and will collect on the following Wednesday. We strongly encourage your child to read daily and ask you to talk to them about their books and discuss the characters, make predictions about what may happen next etc., There are many benefits of sharing books together - aside from encouraging a love of reading. It will help develop your child’s vocabulary, which in turn will make them more confident when reading more challenging books, and learning in other subjects at school.
It is important that pupils are fluent using times tables as these underpin a lot of Year 6 maths. Please encourage your child to practise these using Tackling Tables.
Mobile phones If your child needs to bring a phone to school, they may do so. They should place their phone in the class box first thing in the morning; this will be secured in the office for the day. Pupils will be able to retrieve their phone at the end of the day but should keep them switched off until they are off the school premises. We have spoken to the children about this and explained it is for safeguarding purposes.
Useful dates:
Half term - Monday 17th to Friday 21st February
Parent Consultations - Tuesday 11th March and Thursday 13th March, 2025
Last day of term - Friday 4th April 2025
Children return to school - Tuesday 22nd April
Week beginning 12th May - SAT’s week (details to follow)
Please also check the school’s weekly newsletter and website for any added or amended dates.
Yours sincerely Year 6 Teachers