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Morland C of E

Primary School

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2 Mrs Turner

Welcome to Robin Class 

Happy New Year to you and your families.


We hope 2025 is going to be full of learning, fun and positive behaviour choices.





Teacher - Mrs Turner

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Kelly, Mrs Leeman


On our class webpage is full of useful information about this term's learning and during the year photos of your child's work will be uploaded.




The Curriculum: 

PHONICS - using Read, Write Inc. children will be grouped according to their learning needs.


WRITING - using Talk for Writing children will explore a story and then follow the story pattern to write their own stories.


MATHS - following the White Rose scheme using mastery maths teaching techniques. This allows children to explore new concepts using resources and images before using numbers and formal methods of recording. We begin this term by counting money and then move onto multiplication and division work.


PE days will be Wednesday and Friday (with Mr Ablett). Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit not school uniform. We expect them to wear a white t-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and their school sweatshirt. No t-shirts with logos or hoodies, thank you.


Each half term we will explore a new question in RE relating to a specific religion.

This half term our question is "How is Allah a compassionate and merciful god?"


Your children will be taught COMPUTERS by Mr Exton and MUSIC by Mr Locke. Both are highly skilled in these specific subjects.


All other areas of the curriculum will be taught through topics. These will be taught as a block of work rather than having a specific subject lesson each week.


History - The Great Fire of London. We will find out when and where it started and why the fire spread so quickly. This will help to explain how modern day London is different. We'll also look at the life of Samuel Pepys.


Geography - We will look at the seasons and how the climate changes. We'll compare the UK with The Arctic and countries with hot climates. We'll also locate and name the continents, oceans and seas.


PSHE - We will learn about rights and responsibilities and how they change as we grow older. We will think about "special people" who help us and understand the dangers of medicines and cleaning products in our homes and how to keep safe.


Art - We will develop our knowledge of primary and secondary colours to create collages.


DT  - We will create structures that are free standing and understand how if we fold, glue and join materials it makes them stronger


If you have any worries, concerns or questions you can either talk to me on the playground at hometime or contact me via my school email,








Dates for your diary:


6th January - start of the Spring term

17th January - Friends of Morland "Hair/hare day"

21st January - 1.30pm onwards creating Tudor house with your children (parent share)

17th February - half term holiday 

6th March  - World Book Day

11 and 13th March - Parent/teacher consultations

4th April - Break up for the Easter holiday



Christmas Jumpers
