The sleepy bumblebee
One sunny day, Mr Bumblebee woke up and looked out of his hive.
Unfortunately, he could not sleep because all the dogs were barking.
‘Oh no!’ buzzed Mr Bumblebee, ‘I can’t stand this!’
After that, he went to sleep on a poppy but he could not sleep because all the children were singing.
‘Oh no!’ buzzed Mr Bumblebee, ‘I can’t stand this!’
After that, he went to sleep near a pond but he could not sleep because all the ducks were quacking.
‘Oh no!’ buzzed Mr Bumblebee, ‘I can’t stand this!’
After that, he went to sleep on a willow tree but he could not sleep because all the monkeys were munching bananas.
‘Oh no!’ buzzed Mr Bumblebee, ‘I can’t stand this!’
After that, he buzzed off back to his hive but he could not sleep because – the dogs were barking, the children were singing, the ducks were quacking and the monkeys were munching.
But just then – The monkeys chased the ducks and the ducks chased the children and the children chased the dogs and they all ran away!
So Mr Bumblebee fell fast asleep!
Four leaf clover – my story is over.