School Logo

Morland C of E

Primary School

Contact Details


Morland C of E  Primary School Uniform

Morland logo school jumper /cardigan purchased from the school office, for £10-£11 or navy school jumper/cardigan.



Dark grey trousers/skirt/shorts/pinafore dress/blue and white summer dress.

No leggings or cycling shorts.



Sky Blue polo shirt/school shirt.



Plain black supportive footwear No visible brands/heels/white or coloured trainers.
Please consider whether your child would suit velcro fastenings rather than laces.



Jewellery – Simple studs as earrings (no hoops or dangling earrings) No other jewellery permitted.

PE Uniform

To be worn to school on PE days only.
Black or navy shorts/skorts or plain black/navy jogging bottoms.



Plain White T-shirt (no logos).



School jumper (no hoodies/other jumpers).



Trainers suitable for sport
Earrings should be removed or taped for PE
Please follow the links to various shopping outlets for suitable clothing:,default,sc.html
All children are expected to wear this school uniform.  A text will be sent to parents/carers if children are wearing items of clothing or shoes which do not comply with our school uniform.


Please continue to check lost property found in the large container next to the Reception play area.
