Morland Church of England Primary School Curriculum
‘Through God all things are possible’
Forgiveness - Responsibility – Perseverance - Compassion – Hope - Love
‘All children can achieve; learning knows no limits’
Our curriculum Intent:
The curriculum at Morland offers a clear progression of opportunities to develop children spiritually, morally, emotionally and academically. It facilitates an accumulation of knowledge, skills and understanding. Positive attitudes towards learning are fostered throughout the school to ensure the children leave us as highly motivated, independent, responsible and considerate members of the community. We have Hope that all of our pupils will be successful in the acquisition of knowledge. Children are encouraged to be Responsible for their own learning and Persevere.
Curriculum Implementation:
We plan using meaningful links and take account of the learners’ interests and fascinations across the curriculum to engage the children in their learning. Through the planned delivery of learning objectives, we ensure the progression, development and embedding of the children’s skills, knowledge and understanding. Every effort is made to ensure children develop a clear appreciation of their local area and the wider world and to ensure they learn creatively, becoming Responsible for their learning. To ensure fidelity of the chosen programmes - we deliver several areas of the curriculum independently: We follow ‘Read Write Inc.’ (RWInc) to deliver phonics in KS1 and ‘Talks for Writing’ (T4W) to deliver writing for English. ‘Maths No Problem’ (MNP) Mastery Approach is used across the whole school to deliver Mathematics. The Emmanuel scheme of work is followed for R.E and the Cambridge IT materials support progression in understanding technology, digital literacy, programming and E-Safety. In addition, Performing Arts and Music are mapped and delivered independently to offer children a broader opportunity for performance and self-expression.
Each year groups and subject have the key knowledge mapped to identify the minimum knowledge expectations. Everyone at Morland recognises the need for our curriculum to reflect the needs of the children and the families in our local area and as such Morland has become a ‘Thrive School’, where Love and the Thrive principals underpin the whole implementation of our curriculum. Children are supported to understand their own feelings, develop Compassion and Forgive each other.
Curriculum Impact:
Learners at Morland develop their knowledge and skills across the curriculum, over time. As a Thrive school, we aim to ensure all children gain confidence as a person and as a learner and develop their creativity, interests and aspirations. The curriculum is developed to offer inspirational opportunities and to support the learners in being ready for the next stage in their learning lives.
The impact of our curriculum is measured using several methods such baseline/on-entry and exit data, Informal and formal school-based assessments, progress measures; ‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’ tasks for skills and knowledge-based learning national statutory testing. This is evidenced in a variety of ways such as Individual and class workbooks; year group, class and club displays; School based events, experiences, presentations and celebrations, the school newsletter and website.
Curriculum Maps
Curriculum Journey - Information for Parents
Follow the colours in each of the documents above to see how knowledge flows through the curriculum.
In September 2023 we started a new 'mastery' approach to the teaching of mathematics at Morland. We are using a scheme called 'White Rose Maths'.
Resources for parents
Below is a link to the White Rose website, where you can find resources for parents.
Morland Mathematics Curriculum
Read Write Inc
We use Read Write Inc. All children from Reception to Year 2 work in ability groups every morning to develop their reading, spelling and writing skills.
Please read the letter attached for more information from the publishers of the programme.
Read Write Inc Parent FAQs
Talk for Writing
In January 2019 we introduced Talk for Writing (TfW) as our approach for teaching writing across the whole school.
The Talk for Writing approach enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. A key feature is that children internalise the language structures needed to write through ‘talking the text’ as well as close reading. The approach moves from dependence towards independence with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.
We aim to underpin our English work by establishing a core reading spine of quality fiction, poetry and non-fiction that all children experience and draw upon. Imaginative units of work are developed to create a whole-school plan that is refined over the years, is well-resourced and documented to release teachers from planning and preparation so that they can focus on adapting their teaching for children’s learning. The approach moves through different phases as outlined below.