School Logo

Morland C of E

Primary School

Contact Details

3 Mrs Turner

We all designed an Easter image and we chose Giuseppe's as our winner.




Hit the button - a fun way to practise your times tables.

Andy Goldsworthy inspired environmental art

Class visit to Felixstowe

Steve Clifford

Our stories inspired by the author visit from Steve Clifford

Enjoying the new playground equipment donated by Friends of Morland

Fabulous creatures for World Book Day

Our days for PE are Tuesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).

Please send your child to school in their PE clothing not uniform on these days. 


Black shorts and a white t-shirt and trainers or

Black or grey jogging trousers and sweat shirt.


Please do not send them in football shirts or brightly coloured shorts or t-shirts. Many thanks.

Our curriculum

Every morning our learning will focus mainly on reading, writing and maths. We use Talk for Writing to help shape and guide the children's writing and Take One Book for reading. Our new maths scheme is White Rose.

In the afternoon we will study the other curriculum subjects. Our learning will be divided into subject topics which we will focus on for several weeks rather than covering each subject each week. We have found this not only increases the children's  knowledge and understanding but also their engagement.


These are our topics for this term:


PSHE - The world around us 

Science - How rocks are formed? Soil study

Geography - Cities in the UK. Study of Manchester and the Lake District. Mountains in UK.

History - Who was Alexander the Great.  Who were the Ancient Greeks?

RE - Why do Hindus want to collect good Karma?

French - members of the family



During the year I will add to the curriculum areas shown below. This will include photographs of the children's work and links to useful websites and additional activities. In previous years my class have enjoyed being able to share their work with their families. I hope you enjoy our class page too.


If you have a question, worry or concern please speak to me on the playground at hometime or use my school email ...



Looking good in our festive jumpers!

You made brilliant pirates during our induction week, let's have lots of fun together this year.
